Payroll Services

Our cost efficient and Real Time HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) compliant payroll services would relieve you of the time consuming process of administering payroll, allowing you to get on with what you do best – running your business.

With our wide ranging services using latest technology, we are able to provide a comprehensive payroll services to meet your needs, irrespective of the size or complexity of your business. This includes:

• Customised staff payslips (paper or email) on a weekly, fortnightly or  monthly  basis Monthly, as may be required
• Administration of PAYE, national insurance, statutory sick and maternity pay etc.
• Submitting Full Payment Submissions (FPS) or Employer Payment Summaries (EPS) to HMRC, in accordance with Real Time Information reporting requirements
• Completion of relevant forms such as forms P45’s and P60’s for distribution to staffs
• Assistance in completing P11D forms for employee benefits in kind
• Staff costs summaries and analysis
• Handling of payroll in different currencies for example, euro payrolls
• Provide help and advice throughout the year and deal with HMRC
• We can also organise BACS payments

• We also offer pension auto-enrolment services – including identifying ‘eligible jobholders’ for the purposes of auto-enrolment, ensuring that systems are compliant and  tax  implications are understood. We advise on the selection of an appropriate scheme which is compliant with auto-enrolment.
Please  contact us  today to discover how you could benefit from our payroll service (including outsourcing of your payroll function).
